What a year it has been. After an eventful summer and lots of social distancing, we successfully started off the new semester with the members picnic. Still in compliance with the rules of the BAG, we were able to meet on the ‘Grosse Schanze’ for a nice get together with tasty food and awesome company. It was delightful to see everyone again after the past months of isolation, quarantine and online classes. Social interaction was greatly missed and all the more appreciated.

A week later, we held our yearly Kick-off Event where we introduced the plans we had for the new semester and the security council as this year’s subject. After the formal part, everyone gathered outside for a masked Apéro. Sadly, this was the last time we were able to see each other for a social gathering.

We had already planned for another Social, but we unfortunately had to cancel the Wine and Dine as Covid-Cases were spiking at the time. We had already booked a room in the Aki, and the plan was to eat pizza and play games.
This will be something to look forward to as soon as we are able to meet in person again.
It seems like we have to get used to a new, seemingly virtual reality, and this is why we decided to hold our next social event over Zoom. We are very excited to hold our virtual games night from the comfort of our homes on the 10th of December at 19:15.

We very much hope that we can meet again in person next semester, even if we still have to socially distance ourselves.
We know that virtual interactions cannot replace human interactions but we have to see the positive side too: Since we are bound to our homes, we can all sit on our sofas in our comfy clothes
